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Kevin Breit

$150 advance

Band Details


From the Promoter

Kevin Breit’s class will arm you with information about tuning, improvising, rhythm accompaniment; finger style techniques, ear training, ensemble playing, meter awareness and improvisation. He will demonstrate warm-up techniques throughout ascending/descending scales. You’ll have fun and leave inspired plus come away with a few cool songs.
There will be a combination of group and solo work, often with everyone playing together. He’ll use a system he dubs the Human Loop – beginner players start with a section of music while intermediate players do a more advanced motif, again looping it like a tape machine. The advanced player covers the 'harder' part with some improvised variables attached
Bring a guitar and amp if applicable, paper, pen and music you’d like to learn.
Class level/requirements: all levels of player welcome.


Guitar player from McKerrow, Ontario, Canada.