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Nat Baldwin

with Black Walls and Kira May

$10 advance

Band Details

From the Promoter

Wavelength Presents:

NAT BALDWIN (Dirty Projectors / Maine, USA)
Double bass swung low, crooning tenor swooping high, Dirty Projectors core member Nat Baldwin returns with an all-new collection of tunes in tow. In the Hollows out now on Western Vinyl, and string sections will never sound the same again.

with guests:

BLACK WALLS (Toronto / Pleasence Records)
To wade through starlit shoals sleepwalking, a curling breeze billowing behind, listless waves purling below. The echo of an infinite expanse collects in the heart and expands, a swelling emptiness that demands to be heard. Low-core slow-core for catatonic midnights.

KIRA MAY (Toronto)
Little Björk bubbles fizzle up through a cocktail of squeezed beats and R&B garnishes. Electronic avant-folk betimes, discombobulated sample-soup at others. Someone drew all over the genre atlas in crayon and Kira May's face is visible in the scribbles.

+ General Chaos Visuals
