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Mike Edel

with Glass Forest and The Wild Romantics

$12 advance

Band Details


From the Promoter


Even the title, 'India/Seattle' feels like a story on it’s own. Victoria’s Mike Edel couldn’t have named his sophomore release more poetically.

Part of growing a little bit older, a little bit wiser is the awareness that comes inside growing spaces. Nearing thirty, on the exhaust of a brutal four year touring schedule, Edel settled inside these spaces to create his finest work yet. There’s a quiet here, even in the literal spaces in the record that speak loudly.

There’s something about the way Edel presents personal experiences in a way that project universal understandings. Love and beauty, pain and confusion, the knowledge that all precious things are only precious because they can be lost. It feels a little bit like growing up - like the moment when everything that felt so close as a young person is all of a sudden so far away. It’s the comfort in finding that you aren’t alone. There’s a humanity in these discoveries, and listening to 'India/Seattle' feels like watching Edel discover it for himself, and the product is a little bit of each of us.