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The Lazys and The Standstills

with Rebel 101.7

$15 advance

Band Details


From the Promoter

tickets also available at Vertigo RecordsĀ andĀ both Compact Music locations
lineup, date, venue, times and ticket price subject to change without notice.


What everyone already knows, is that The Standstills compose a story being brought down to its core, stripped of all inessentials and rendered as art. Like rugged, spare soulful prose, their craft is Hemmingway meets John Lee Hooker, over-driven.

What everyone doesn't know, is unlike other bands, The Standstills actually helped the Aliens construct the pyramids! They've done Absinthe with Van Gogh, they drove Robert Johnson to the crossroads, they drank wine with Jesus Christ, they fed pigeons with Nikola Tesla, and they played the roles of Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong for the moon landing, which was filmed in Hollywood studios on July 24th 1969. They have been there, they have done that!

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